The team attended the Houston World Championship this season after winning the Engineering Inspiration award at the District competition and then the District Championship. We were in the Roebling division at the World Championship.

On Wednesday afternoon we head to the convention center to set up our bit but, we realized we made a stupid mistake. Half of our team were still on planes flying in form Anchorage and those members had most of the stuff to put our pit together, along with our electrician. We got the robot ready and went to size and weighing and passed that relatively quickly. We were more worried about inspections because we didn’t have our electricians to walk our inspector through the electronics of the bot. Many of us had been up for 36 hours and we were exhausted! We grudgingly made our way through the inspections without our electrician but couldn’t set up our pit. We decided those that were flying in would set up the pit the next morning.
Thursday we were excited to start our matches! We had an awesome start but found that our controllers were lagging quite a bit when we drove. We brushed it off because all teams on the field said they were having the same issues. We won four of our five matches and had an amzaing day. The team was super excited and felt really good. We found out at the end of the day that we were the cause of all the lagging problems. We had to redo every single match that we had played that day the next day.
Friday was not as good as Thursday. We ended up losing most of the matches we had won the previous day and our ranking had gone down to 53rd. We were a little sad that things hadn’t gone as well today as they had yesterday. But we kept our spirits up, danced to all the songs, and flashed our Alaska flag capes. We wont the Team Spirit award. We didn’t get picked for alliance selection so, we got to hangout outside in the warm sun. The team even went to fight with foam swords!

Overall, we had a great trip and learned a lot. We are proud of our award and that we made such an impact with our spirit. We have many plans for the summer and can’t wait for next season!