2021 FRC Kickoff!

2021 FRC Kickoff!

We started this season’s kickoff with FIRST’s livestream. This introduced us to this season’s game and challenges, including the new Game Design Challenge and Innovation Challenge. After the livestream, each of us introduced ourselves and our role/interest in the team. We then began to talk about each challenge that was announced starting with Game Design, where we watched the Infinite Recharge reveal video as an example of what a FIRST game could look like. We then transitioned to the Innovation Challenge, where we discussed the potential of using Project Avatar for the challenge, or if we wanted to solve another issue in our community. Finally we moved to the Infinite Recharge at Home challenge, where we showed off our robot from last season. We then talked about what the challenges for business team would be in this season, including Chairmans Essay, Riley Robot, website design, recruitment, etc. The team then went to Remo, a virtual conference software. The team was able to split up into different groups that would tackle different challenges. Thanks to Remo, we were able to talk and draw on a whiteboard, listing out different ideas and solutions to each challenge. The whole kickoff was an exciting start to the beginning of the 2021 season!